Things I like:



Drafts and semi-permanent homes of a bunch of scribblings, rants, and hints, mostly derived from teaching at UNSW. Once upon a time, some of it might have graduated to my blog.


Oddments that don’t really fit anywhere else:

What’s all this, then?

Most of this content came from my wiki, which used to be hosted at CSE. However, unlike other Wikis there which all used MoinMoin — which I consider to be badly broken and mostly unusable — I wrote my own Wiki engine, jwiki, which used cmark and libgit2, but quickly ran into its lack of dynamism. Its code is still available in case someone is foolish enough to try using it. I’ve since moved it from CSE to my own website, migrated to IkiWiki, the static wiki/site/blog generator, and eventually moved out of a wiki-style construct (but it’s still powered by Ikiwiki)