I’m… overseas?

Write a few brief words in your blog this week about what you have learned, what you have done, and what thoughts you had about it.

COMP3421 looked a bit scary this week, because there was an assignment released and I had no real idea of how to do it. Yikes.

MATH1081 also looked a bit scary, because actual tutorials! And I have to miss two of them, because I’m overseas. Grr.

MATH1231 was a great excuse to dice a pumpkin last week; this week, we seem to have jumped straight to applying partial differential equations, so I’m regretting skipping that lecture and looking forward to a long meditation on the recorded lecture.

COMP1927 went a bit better this week; my Monday class seemed a bit more alive, and groaned at all the good puns. I suspect I turned it up a bit too far, because I just kept going, accidentally crashed a tutorial for COMP1917 for an hour and a half, and helped out. Oops.

Last week, I aimed at more closely following my time plan, and following through with doing stuff on time. That sort-of happened; I managed to get some stuff done on the plane but not as much as I would have liked. I think the procrastination is starting in earnest again, so it’s worthwhile trying to break through that next week.